![JOIDES Resolution. (Credit: Arito Sakaguchi & IODP/TAMU) [Photo ID: exp344_036] JOIDES Resolution. (Credit: Arito Sakaguchi & IODP/TAMU) [Photo ID: exp344_036]](https://hineslab.whoi.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2021/10/TheJOIDESResolutionatsea.jpeg)
American Museum of Natural History EarthFest
The American Museum of Natural History in New York City hosts an annual Earth Day event with interactive demos and presentations open to the general public. I hosted a booth focused on deep ocean sediment core drilling, with live video chats with scientists aboard the JOIDES Resolution (pictured on the left), which was coring near Antarctica to look at iceberg records and the history of the Antarctic ice sheet.
Intrepid Museum Kids Week
The Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum hosts an annual Kids Week event. A group of geochemists from Lamont had a table where we set up a number of demonstrations, including one about sediment coring that involved boba straws and a bunch of play-doh. It was almost as fun as the real thing!

Los Angeles March for Science
In 2017, I helped to organize a booth for the Caltech Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences at the Los Angeles March for Science. We had a number of posters and demonstrations, and we talked to tons of people with a wide variety of scientific backgrounds. We also made some postcards that people could take and mail to friends and family or their congressional representatives.